Astrology ( Aadhyeshakti Astro-Health Care )

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Astrology (India Best Astrologers)

In astrological part our approach is totally integrated. We provide all the answers to the queries by combining various methodologies.

(a) Horary Prediction-Horary Prediction consist prediction according prashan lagna kundli. Under this method prashna lagna Kundli in prepared. This kundli is useful in prediction of future life events, as well as status, jobs, illness etc. Prashna Kundli is casted when birth chart is not available.

(b) Annual Prediction-the kundli of varsh pravesh is casted according to birth date and time and place of birth and consist twelve months prediction of main incidents during the current year.

(c) General Prediction-if a person wants to know his general future by birth chart or wants to know about a particular question or analysis of his horoscope we provide it through our expert astrologers.

(d)Life Prediction-(12 years Prediction)-Annual Prediction of 12 years according month-wise. The Prediction will be according to vinsotari, Asthotari, Chardasa and Transition of planets. Will also be according to atma karak, Padarud, uppadarud paddhati jamini.

(e) Prediction according to Lal Kitab- Those who desire to know their future by Lal Kitab methodm we welcome them. Our skillful astrologer will direct about the future events with the help of Lal Kitab.

(f) Integrated astrology- It is the combined technique which gives the accurate prediction.

(g)Medical astrology-According to birth chart or prashna lagna we predict possible diseases which can attack in future and we suggest precautionary treatment and remedial upchar of planets (for greh shanti).

According to Ayurveda diseases occur in a human beings by imbalance of vat, Pit, Cough. The greh also controls these tridosh, as Saturn rules the vata dosh and sun rules over pitah dosh.  We give advice for the greh shanti.

(h) Remedial astrology- In this we suggest to the person precaution how to live cheerful life and to remove greh pida, we direct the persons for possible remedial treatments like daan, Jaims, and Pooja of God. These all remedial methods depend on lal kitab and prasar paddahti and are more effective in removing difficulties and struggle in the life. All remedies (upaye) suggested are easy to perform and affordable.

(i) Palmistry- Skillful palmist are associated with our society for prediction about prashan, career or about life etc. by palms sign, rekha.  Clear photograph or print of both hand (right and left) is required. We also suggest jaims, Daan, Jap etc. according to palmistry for greh dosh or greh dasha.

(j) Vaastu shastra- We provide services in vaastu Shastra as well suggest remedies for removing vaastu dosh.  Upaye are simple and can be easily done without any alteration or construction in buildings.

(k)Numerology- In numerology we use two methods, cheroies and Sephareal methods. Prediction by name and birth date consist nature career line, destiny and marriage. We also suggest compatible name and numbers For prosperous and affectionate marital life we also provide fortune numbers for bright future.